The proposal was simply amazing. The final wax of the ring had been approved, but I told the jeweler not to call me when it was done because I wanted to be surprised. Boy, was I surprised! I was on my way home from the gym and I stopped to get groceries because John was coming to Logan and we were going to make dinner. When I got home he told me that I should probably change into something a little cuter(he knew I would be pissed if I was in my gym clothes for the proposal). I changed and I was touching up my makeup as he was asking....Are you ready yet? He told me we were going to go on a little ride. We walked outside and there was a limo in the driveway. I knew what was coming and I couldn't wait to see what he had in store. The limo started driving north and I thought we must be going to mom and dads house, but then we turned. The driver took us to the Logan airport and up to the helicopter hangar. We went inside and the pilot took us to our little helicopter....we forgot the camera in the limo. When we got in the helicopter there were 12 individually wrapped long stem red roses. Each one had an envelope taped to it with a number on it. John had planned the flight plan to match the cards. Each one had a reason why he loved me written on the enclosed card. We flew all over Logan with corresponding cards. We flew over my parents house and they were outside waving....and he passed me the card that said I love you because your family is so important to you, We flew over USU and he passed me the card that said I love you because you are well educated, etc. It continued that way for 12 roses. After the roses were done we ended up flying in circles over what is now Smith's Market Place. John asked me if this place had any significance to me, I said no(looking for some message in the parking lot). He preceded to tell me that my dad had proposed to my mom in this parking lot. He had called my dad and got the entire story....can you believe how sweet that is? Then he asked me to be his wife...of course I said yes. The rest of the fairy tale follows:)